Be Kind To Yourself

Letting go can be hard because it means letting go of aspects of your past – aspects of you. It also means letting go of your expectations of how things should have been. At this moment we are learning that our attitudes, behaviors, and dreams we once had, although served us well until this point, will no longer be needed for our future. It is the perilous journey across the neutral zone of a transition, that separates the old life situation from the new. It helps to focus on self-care, taking time for yourself each day, or speaking with friends and family about the changes you are going through.

For over 20 years I was employed as a Probation Officer working with the Drug Court team. The design of this program proved to be highly successful. After several years the team experienced a transition. During this transition period new people were hired that had different ideas. These ideas were restructuring the original plan of the program. One of my belief systems was, if it’s not broken don’t fix it. I found myself in a place needing to let go of my old ideas and embrace the new. Needless to say, I was in a state of angsts struggling to find peace.

A friend and mentor suggested I go for a manicure and a pedicure. This would be my first experience having a mani and a pedi. When I arrived for the appointment, a manicurist showed me to my chair and set the massage settings. At once I could feel the warmth and gentleness of the massage. My feet were placed into a pan of warm bubbly water to soak. Contentment and a sense of peace came over me. Taking a deep breath, I smiled. With my new found peace I was ready to see my transition with new eyes.

We all develop our own typical response to ending things and letting go. Like the air we breath that mood can be so familiar it is difficult to identify. Sign up for a free call today, together we can explore the immediate storm of change that is occurring and lead you to a sense of peace and comfort.


Life Takes Place in the Neutral Zone


It Begins With An Ending