It Begins With An Ending

 What we call a beginning is often an end and the end is where we begin. 


Life changes and subsequent transitions, always begin with an ending. A moment in time when suddenly your feeling exhausted, depleted, and bored with your life. It can be an event, a state of mind, a nudge or a gut feeling, that something in your life needs to be different. This trigger is the beginning of the end. The ending of old attitudes, habits and outlooks. A time to start the journey of transition. 

This past week I once again watched the movie, “Eat Pray Love”. Liz Gilbert, played by Julia Roberts, had everything a home, a husband and a successful career. In one scene she is having a conversation with her publisher stating, I feel exhausted, bored, and depleted. I am walking through life not feeling alive. She is just going through the daily motions of living, not happy with her marriage or her job, confused about what is important to her. She decides she no longer wants to be married. Her and her husband separate and she moves out of the house. She immediately begins a new relationship, thus looking for something new within the framework of her old life. Not taking the time to go through her ending and letting go. Letting go of everything that brought her to the feelings of boredom. Eventually she makes the decision to travel to Italy to experience amazing delicious food. Her journey to India is cathartic. Here she completes the final dismantling of the end of her marriage while learning to experience peace through spirituality. Finally, making her way to Bali she commences a discovery to live life in love and service. She surrendered to the end and began her new beginning. 

If you are feeling that something in your life is ending. Your bored, confused, exhausted and stressed. There may be something in your life that’s ending. Don’t go through this alone. Click the button and sign up for a free sample coaching call. We can figure out your ending together and get you on a path to your new beginning. 


Be Kind To Yourself


Choosing To Be “At Choice”