Choosing To Be “At Choice”

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response.

In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

Victor E. Frankl

I love this quote, because the writer tells me I am the one with the power over my choices in any situation. No one else has that power over me. When taking a minute to think about an event that is occurring in front of you, the emotions, the truth of the matter, and then from a place of calm you respond. It is here you grow and through that growth is your freedom.

There were times in my life, I’ve had the uncanny ability to make impulsive decisions. These decisions generally have not turned out well. There was this one moment, I was sitting at the breakfast table have morning coffee with my husband. We were having a tiff that had started the night before. Both of us were entrenched in what the outcome needed to be. Finally, I asked what is the solution to this disagreement? His response was I’m leaving. Being a bit startled, I took a moment and thought he feels he needs to leave. I said, “okay” then. He orchestrated the divorce while I stayed silent, calm and at peace with the outcome. As a result of that choice, I was free of animosity, resentment, and fear. Years later we sat on the same team together as peers.

Recognize that big changes and the internal transitions that follow are a normal part of life. You can choose to be “at-choice” in this season of change rather than a victim.


It Begins With An Ending


What is the Difference Between a Change and a Transition?