It’s Like Mashed Potatoes

It was January 2021. Due to the COVID rules, people were working from home. I was employed as a senior Probation Officer supervising clients in the Drug Court program. Probation Officers are considered essential employees. My work schedule went from 35 to 60 hours per week. I was in meetings all day, in court sessions, in the field, and the office, and I was trying to keep track of my clients by phone since most of them were released from jail. On the home front, I was trying to stay in touch with my mother, who was in a Nursing Home.  I was so stressed!

One day, I was in the office and started a conversation with another officer. I asked him how he handled working from home and managing all the chaos and confusion that staff and clients were experiencing due to the changes. This was his answer: he said, “It's just like mashed potatoes. At first, they are delicious. You continue to eat them all of the time, trying different ways to serve them, and then after a while, they are just the same mashed potatoes, nothing different”. I could use some of those mashed potatoes. Same thing, nothing different.   

Sometimes, the universe will give us a nudge; it’s time to change. Shortly after that conversation, I was lying in bed one evening tossing and turning and tossing and turning, looking at the clock 12, 1, 2. Ugh, I have to go to work tomorrow; I need sleep! I opened my laptop to YouTube and started a relaxing meditation. Suddenly, I heard a man's voice saying are you stressed? Do you need a change? If this is you, then hit the button. Yes, I am stressed, and Yes, I need a change. I hit the button—ah, relief at last.  The following day, there were emails to join the Facebook group and put the dates on the calendar. I had joined a five-day challenge that would teach me to start a Life Coach business.

During the seminar, they brought in guest speakers. One of the speakers was Les Brown. Les Brown is a distinguished Toastmaster and has won international awards from Toastmasters. He spoke about how Toastmasters launched his career.

I went online, Googled Toastmasters, and found a meeting close to where I lived. They met on Tuesday nights online, another COVID change. That day, I logged in to the group and became a member in April 2001. The goal was to create a signature message for my Life Coach business and to learn to speak publicly.  

As you read this story, are you thinking about your to-do list and how overwhelmingly busy you are? Is the universe nudging you to shift your life in some way? Maybe you aren’t sure what that shift even looks like, but you know you need some relief from your overwhelming stress. I understand. Click the button below and schedule a Free Discovery call with me. Together, we will learn the most immediate issue and create a strategic plan to get you on course to achieving your goals. I will be right by your side as an accountability partner. Start relieving overwhelming stress, feel freedom in your new life plan, and experience a newfound joy and happiness as you accomplish your life goals and dreams.

Remember, any change requires action. Hit the button and feel relief.

— Mindy


Staying In the Pocket


Summertime is Here!