Moving is a Significant Life Change

Moving is complicated, affecting every aspect of your life physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. But it can also be exciting, being on the threshold of a new life poised for adventure. They involve to-do lists by the dozens, and one small problem can explode into a large-scale disaster. They are highly stressful. Stress can distort perceptions, leaving you wasting time and pulling you away from things that need to be done. This worry depletes the energy you will desperately need when times become turbulent. A fearful, anxious person will make poor decisions, leading to more problems. 

Being overwhelmed, you may wonder why I thought this was a good idea. At this juncture, I step back, look at the big picture, and identify what new routines I need to implement. 

This can be one of the most fun aspects of moving to a new city because it’s where you get to design your new lifestyle. It might not feel as fun right away when everything is unique and everything is a change. To make the unfamiliar familiar, you need time. But there are things you can do to use that time effectively. 

Discover and become involved in your surroundings. If a coffee shop is near you, commit to going there the same day every week. Our minds feel calmer when they can anticipate and predict; having one or two weekly touchstones is a great way to provide that framework. Setting your alarm for the same time every day helps with sleep and provides structure and consistency you can utilize no matter where you are. You can list the local attractions you want to explore and schedule a time every week. 

Doing so will keep you focused on moving forward and exploring your new home and give you something to look forward to. 

Regardless of the reasons for moving to a new city, it is bound to be a time of stress, excitement, exploration, and discomfort. Have patience with yourself as you create your new existence and routine. Set up sustainable habits and provide long-term emotional, mental, and social rewards. 

I have a program that Donald Miller calls Routine Revolution. I help you develop routines that can jump-start you into action and massively improve your life's quality. Together, we will create three (3) routines to ensure you hit your goals. Call me today and schedule a FREE call to find out more. 

— Mindy


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